Dilawar's Notes


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Ph. D.Another attempt in neuroscience

Research Fellow Moose, The Neural Simulator

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The configuration file

This file has following sections:

  • global
  • note
  • song

The [global] section

If set to 1, it will remove rows which have no pixel with threshold val. If this is set to 1, we'll loose harmonics. DO NOT CROP. NOT WELL TESTED. utocrop=0 Multiply this number with max of image pixal. Should be less than 1.0 but not close to 0.4. Whole process is very sensitive to this number. This is not advised to use in general case. NOTICE: baseline test rejects almost all notes if image is cropped.


These parameters are important. To make analysis easier, we zoom in the image before processing. X-axis (time-line) is compressed by a factor of 4, while Y-axis is scled up by a factor of 2.

x_zoom = 0.25
y_zoom = 2

From which time, you want to start processing. Default value is 0.0 start_time = 300 For how long, starting from start_time, you want to analyze the song. Stop time is time + start_time.

time = 20

The [note] section

This is perhaps the most important section of this application. A small modification in these values are likely to produce different type of notes.

The fraction of avergae pixal value should be used to start searching for pixel. The average value is computed by the program. It must be less than 1.0, should be less than 0.90.

maxval_pixal = 0.80

This parameters control the amount we should slither. Any pixel value which is higher (lighter) than maxval_note_pixal by this fraction. Increase this value to create larger notes. But you wont be able to get shart discontinuities between pixels. Must be larger than 1.0,

Things gets very sensitive to this value. Be careful when using it. Larger value of this parameter detects many possible notes. Bottomline and topline tests usually rejects them. Moreover, too small value of this parameter might give us sharper notes but each note is computed many time for each notes might have discontinuties for this given value.

IF WIENER FILTER IS USED THEN INCREASE IT TO 1.25 which is a decent value. Any value less than 1.2 is most likely to produce repetetive notes which are way too close to be called separated notes.

boundary_threshold = 1.25

No of pixels a note must contain to be qualified as pixel. Arbitrary value. Should not be less than 20 though.


Minimum width of note in second. All notes less than this size will be rejected.

min_width = 1e-3

Maxinun width of a note in second.

max_width = 1e0

The [song] section

This parameters set how much separation should be there between two songs. If the separation if less than this number then the note is not counted as the song.

min_separation = 20