Dilawar's Notes


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MastersMicroelectronics and VLSI

Ph. D.Abandoned after 3 years

Research Fellow Moose, The Neural Simulator

Blog This much I know

Project Info

First you need to create a configuration file ~/.config/twordpress/config. If you choose to keep this file at some other location, you have to pass its path after --config option e.g. twordpress --config ~/.twordpressrc other_command. It looks like the following.

name=Dilawar's Blog
name=Dilawar's Notes

Let's assume that config file is at default location.

Proxy support

Proxy support is added recently to python-wordpress-xmlrcp. It reads environment variable http_proxy. If you are behind proxied network, then export http_proxy=proxy.something.net:1212 in your bash. And we are good to go.

Fetch posts

Following commands fetches post:

twordpress --blog 1 --fetch all
twordpress --blog 0 --fetch "Python is awesome"

First command will download all posts and pages from blog1. And second will download all posts which matches the given query from blog0. Third command will download most recent entries from default blog (blog0). Currently it does not download media.

Each post gets its own directory and two files conetent.md and content.html are created. Edit markdown file and run the following command to update the post.

Updating post

Following command update the blog.

$twordpress --blog 0 --update path_to_new_content.md

Create new post

This command post a new post:

$twordpress --blog 1 --new new_blog.md

The new blog is written in markdown format but a meta-data has to be prefixed. This is how your blog file should look like.:

title: This is title of my awesome post
status: publish
tags: [some awesome tag, tag2]
categories: [catA, some_category]

Here is content of blog in markdown format.

Too much has already been written. This ends my blog.
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