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14 Nov 2021

An Example of Boost Fiber

A fiber is just a thread implemented in user space.

Fibers are easier to reason about and have advantages such as much cheaper context switching.  Fibers are very well suited for handling concurrent IO operations. In such situations a processor mostly wait for the data to become available and threads usually have pretty big context switching cost. So multiple fibers running in a single thread is an effective solution.

It is also much easier to reason about concurrency with fibers. Watch this great talk by Nat Goldman on  Youtube.

Here is a simple program I wrote to explore fibers. You can find the full example here https://github.com/dilawar/playground/blob/a5fba9f21ff121249c71bff75ee8964c1016aa3f/BOOST/fiber.cpp.

The program has two functions: print_a prints a and print_b prints b and then launches a thread that prints B (in detached mode).

void print_a()
    cout << "a";

void print_b()
    cout << "b";
    std::thread j([]() { printf("B"); });

Following is the main function. We created a shared variable i initialized to 0. We use this a global state. We create two detached fibers. First one keeps calling print_a till i < 20. Similarly, the second one loops on print_b till i < 20. Both increment i by 1. When i = 20, both fibers should be able to join.

int main()
    int i = 0;
    boost::fibers::fiber([&]() {
        do {
        while (i < 20);

    boost::fibers::fiber([&]() {
        do {
        } while (i < 20);

    return 0;

Let’s guess the output of this program. It is most likely to be the same as if std::threads were used instead of fiber.

X is printed first? Yes. Note that detach() is called on each fibers so neither of their functions are called. They are put in the background. Control passes to the fiber manager at return 0; when it asks the fibers to join. In fact, you can put more computations after the printf("X"); statement and it would be computed before any fiber is called.

As soon as we try to return from the main, fiber manager is asked to join the fibers. The first fiber awakes, a is printed and the fiber yields the control to the manager. Fiber manager then wakes up the second fiber (who was waiting in the queue) that prints b and also launched a thread in the background that prints B. We can not be sure if B will be printed immediately after the b (it is a std::thread). print_b yields the cotrol and goes to sleep . The fiber manager wakes up first fiber again that calls print_a again and a is printed and so on. Note that i is also incremented every time either of the fibers are called.

When i hits 20, both fibers terminates and joined and the main function return 0;.

So we have print_a called 10 times and print_b is also called 10 times. In the output, we should have 10 as, 10 bs and 10 Bs. B may not strictly follow b but b must come after the a.

Here are few runs of the program. Note that the location of B is not deterministic.

  • XababBabBabBababBBabBabBabBabBB
  • XababBabBabBabBabBabBabaBbBabBB
  • XababBabBabBabBabBabBabBabBabBB
  • XababBabBabBabBabBabBabBabBabBB
  • XababBabBabBBababBabBabBabBabBB
  • XababBabBabBabBabBabBabBabBabBB
  • XababBabBabBababBBabBabBababBBB
  • XababBabBabBababBBabBabBabBabBB
  • XababBabBabBababBBabBabBabBabBB
  • XababBabBabBabBabBababBBabBabBB
  • XababBabBabBabBabBabBabBabBabBB


  1. A great talk by Nat on Boost fibers https://youtu.be/e-NUmyBou8Q
