Dilawar's Blog

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01 Nov 2020

Awesome Vue : A personal list

  • To automatically create links from raw url and email links in v-html directive, use vue-linkify. Create a custom directory such as v-linkified and add this to the tag. For example,
import linkify from 'vue-linkify'
Vue.directive('linkified', linkify)
<div v-html="raw" v-linkified />
  • vue-dropzone is excellent for dragging/dropping images to a webpage and upload it to a server.
  • @codekraft-studio/vue-record for recording audio.
  • vue2-datepicker is pretty cool to create date and time picker and it has been getting better.
  • framework7-vue is the coolest framework I know to create website and webapps. I can’t praise it enough.
  • To integrate google-analytics into your SPA, use vue-ua. Also checkout vue-gtag. More options are listed here.

See this community maintained resource for a comprehensive list.



