Dilawar's Blog

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28 Sep 2020

Managing multiple versions of Python using pyenv

I recently discovered pyenv. I think it’s cool. It lets me setting up Python version easily on my Linux box.

It is not written in Python and it is not installable using pip. Executing pip install pyenv in terminal didn’t work for me.

I used the system package manager to install it: sudo zypper install pyenv (on OpenSUSE).

Here is $ tldr pyenv for it.


Switch between multiple versions of Python easily. More information: https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv.

  • List all available commands: pyenv commands

  • List all Python versions under the ${PYENV_ROOT}/versions directory: pyenv versions

  • Install a Python version under the ${PYENV_ROOT}/versions directory: pyenv install 2.7.10

  • Uninstall a Python version under the ${PYENV_ROOT}/versions directory: pyenv uninstall 2.7.10

  • Set Python version to be used globally in the current machine: pyenv global 2.7.10

  • Set Python version to be used in the current directory and all directories below it: pyenv local 2.7.10

I used $ pyenv install 3.7.2 to install version 3.7.2 on my system. Leap 15.2 has 3.6 as default which does not have good typing support.

A detailed tutorial is available here https://realpython.com/intro-to-pyenv/ .
